Schedule an Oral Cleaning in St George for Healthy Teeth and Gums

Oral CleaningVisit us for an oral cleaning in St George, to help keep your teeth healthy and prevent any oral infections. You only have one set of permanent teeth, so it is important for you to keep them healthy and strong. The best way to keep healthy is with ongoing oral hygiene at home and regular dental appointments. We suggest that you have your receive professional teeth cleanings at least twice a year. We can remove built-up plaque on your teeth, while also helping to prevent common problems like cavities, infection, and gum disease.

Even people who remain steadfast and diligent in brushing twice a day will have plaque build-up in difficult-to-reach areas of the mouth. Flossing along with brushing can help to reach these areas, but will not be enough. We suggest that you floss at least once a day. You also need to be sure to brush correctly by moving your wrist in a circular pattern, going toward the center of your mouth. Doing so at least twice a day will help. A professional dental cleaning will also help ensure that the mouth remains clean and that there are no signs of infection.

When providing an oral cleaning in St George, we will begin by examining your teeth and looking for signs of cavities or gum disease. If we identify any signs, we will make a treatment recommendation for how to solve the problem and restore your mouth to excellent oral health. Most oral health issues can be dealt with prior to causing you significant irritation or discomfort, as long as we catch them in the earliest stages. Since it is difficult to self-diagnose, visiting our office is the best solution for preventative care.

Simultaneously, we will clean your teeth and gums to remove plaque that has built up over time. We will reach between your teeth, along with your gum line, and to all the places that you cannot clean with brushing or floss alone.This is particularly important for the health of your gums. Gum disease can develop when a plaque becomes trapped under the surface of your gums. This area is impossible to clean with a toothbrush alone, and as the plaque sits there, it begins to irritate the gum tissue.

This can lead to swelling, redness, and bleeding gums. While uncomfortable, this early stage of gum disease is entirely treatable with a deep cleaning. Once the plaque has been removed from under the gums, they will naturally be restored to good health. Your gums will recover without the need for further intervention.

However, if you have gum disease and do not schedule an oral cleaning in St George, the condition will intensify until your gums begin to recede or pull back from your teeth. As they do, pockets will be created in the gum tissue, and more of your tooth structure and roots will be exposed. This leaves your teeth open for attack, and many people experience bone loss and eventual tooth loss as a result. Fortunately, regular teeth cleanings can prevent this and other oral health problems.  With that in mind, we invite you to schedule an appointment today.


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